Sunday, December 19, 2010

Are u sincere?

Sayo Aluko

...never follow the idea of "thinking Twice" as it is said by the majority; I strictly advice that we all inculcate the consciousness of "thinking Once" into our state of mind.The reason being this below:

Truly,as we'd also mostly agree,I personally define the word "think" as the use of one's mind to form and/or create careful,calculated and conscientious ideas and ideals aimed and attempted at choosing rightly in all sphere of influence and also at solving (nagging) challenges.
So,if thinking is what is above-defined,who then needs the lazy haven of having to accept the deceit of thinking twice before right actions are at least initiated until imbibed in all spheres of life.
Friends,truth is,if you're really of a Sincere heart,all we need to do all the time is to think Once before our decisions are nourished into becoming actions


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